Special Thanks
WellHouse Crisis Line 1-800-991-0948
advocates for those who have been exploited through sex trafficking or commercial sex, so they may reclaim their dignity and self-worth
Grace Klein Community seeks to create authentic community (Koinonia) by uniting diverse individuals, businesses, ministries, and churches to work together by sharing what they have in order to meet physical and spiritual needs both locally and globally.
The Glory House of Miami is a Christ-centered non-profit organization devoted to healing and restoring the lives of those who have suffered the abuse and exploitation of human trafficking. We are dedicated to serving the rescued survivors.
We provide residential, therapeutic programs to female victims of human trafficking who have been sexually exploited, offering medical, spiritual, mental, and emotional care. We welcome women and girls of all ages, and mothers with their children. Regardless of race, color, creed, or religion, survivors in pain can be assured they will find love and acceptance at The WellHouse.